I was about to sleep but open SN as usual to have last check before bed, then saw this post; Thanks for sharing, that is a lot to THINK.
"you will have 3 times in your life, 3 dangerous moments, that your life will depend on very few factors. And you cannot do anything by yourself. All depend of what others nearby will do. If you get away with these 3 moments before you reach 50 years old, then you are totally free and your life will have a big change and more than that, your will change other people life."
Then one day, I wake up in the middle of the night, I was sure wake up and not dreaming. I saw that from my windows, came 2 entities, very bright white entities, like flying.
what are they and what language you speak with them?
your initial mission is over
is it mean all of us come here have different missions?
there's no language, is just some information you receive straight into your mind/brain, I could say telepathic communication.
is it mean all of us come here have different mission?
yes, each one of us, but we don't know it until the important moment came to us and sometimes, we can die without even know it or finish it. This is what I understand from them.
We are just vessels into this realm, we are just travelling and accumulating experiences that later are shared into a common database for other starseeds.
This is how I learned to be fearless. Everything in this realm you could consider it harmless, is like a not real world, but in the same time real feelings. Yes, you could be harmed in a physical way but is just to experience that feeling, your starseed "body" is not harmed. Sorry, I don't know how to explain it better. Is still hard to explain to myself.
I found the photo.
From my understanding, we come here to learn and explore and then contribute with our own unique experiences and knowledge to serve ( help ) others; This journey is no ending, we will continue to exist in another form after death, the so-called death means the end of living in this realm, leaving our fresh bodies and freeing our souls.
I used to be scared to talk about death, and people would avoid talking about it in where I was born. Maybe the unknown is scary for most people, but that is exactly how I observe from afar during the lockdown, the fear makes them like sheeps.
Now I am exploring in different Muslim places, and people are so open to discussing death, I also started to read about Mevlana this summer and I learned that the night of his death is called the wedding night with Allah 😳 and the meaning behind sufi dance is really interesting.
Why me? I am nobody, just a dude living his life and suddenly I am hit by these shiny dudes coming from the stars. Why that gypsy lady told me exactly what will happen in my life? Why I can see dead people around me? I have no explanations for these.
I repeat; I never took drugs, smoke or use anything that could alter my metal stability. Yes I drink some beers per day, but that is in normal limits.
Another SN post brought me to this one. I loved reading your story and understanding a little more about souls like yours.
In the last 3 years I have done hundreds of channelings (or, as I like to call, conversations with the soul) with people I had just met at an event or workshop, and I confirm what you have experienced.
Even, answering your question "Why that gypsy lady told me exactly what will happen in my life?" sometimes they present themselves to us in a specific way, but they are what many call our guides, how good They can be related souls that are on another plane, or even your own soul, which appears to you in dreams or visually while awake, as was your case.
I have gone from being an agnostic to seeing and feeling with strength and intensity the energy in the things around me. Everything, absolutely everything, has and is energy.
We all have a certain spiritual connection, but we can close ourselves to it, and still carry out our mission, or open up and experience it in a different way.
The fact is that everyone is different, and your sensitivity and connection allows you to see dead people, at the same time that mine allows me to connect and talk with souls and see the astral plane, but I can't see anything on this plane.
My partner, for example, is sensitive to the point of knowing if someone is going through a bad time just by being next to or hugging that person. Thus, between the two of us, we were able to help a woman we met on vacation at the beach last summer.
She knew that something was wrong with her, and I, by talking to her soul, was able to get to the bottom of the matter and help her see more clearly what her resolution could be for that problem (personal and which I am not going to tell).
This is a complex topic, and there are many things to talk about... it could last for hours, even days.
Thank you for this answer !
I confirm what you have experienced.
Now I see that I am not crazy or was just some imagination :)
Everything, absolutely everything, has and is energy.
Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. And now, sometimes, I cannot feel comfortable in this "human body of flesh", my interior energy is like screaming to get out. Strange feeling.
maybe you are a nobody but with a big heart and good morals?
Why that gypsy lady told me exactly what will happen in my life?
the more interesting question is, are our lives being set in advanced? How is it possible to even predict it?
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so we are just "guided" through it?
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Maybe there's a link between why I was born in 1971 (see WTF happen in 1971), my suffering life in communism and coming to the light with Bitcoin?
could be. Or maybe more like you've suffered enough - passed the test. And what would you do for others if you were given a chance?
Some people who have suffered enough, but they would choose to do the same to others, but you are the opposite - you want to be the CHANGE.
I don't think can be predicted, I think is more about analyzing posibilities. Did you read the Isaac Asimov book, "The Foundation"? Are 2 books actually. There's even a mini series now, very well done. Is about following different paths of the history and how to deal with each one. Very interesting book. Here is the series online
I just met someone who mentioned that she has been working with an astrologist, and many things the astrologist mentioned did happen; It reminded me of this post, and then she also said actually, the time we were born has meanings 😳 not random.
I then asked the same things - do you mean our life is pre-determined? She said that we "signed a contract" before coming to this world, and this world is our playground to learn and pass those tests, which can be to make a change in this world, or teach others something, etc.
now I am seeing a pattern on where you normally watch movies 🤓
no, I haven't read or watch it, but will do.
We are just vessels into this realm, we are just travelling and accumulating experiences that later are shared into a common database for other starseeds.
I read about something similar while learning about Sufi dance.
Did you figure out what was your initial mission? and during the NDE, your life was FFW entirely - was it backwards or from birth to now? Did you see this life, or any past life?
Was FFW from birth until the last moment. And all black pitch, no colors, like an old movie. Every fucking moment of my life in just few seconds. I don't know if you saw the movie Johnny Mnemonic... with delivering a data drive with a brain as storage disk. Exactly like that was the experience, really painful to get all that info at once in your brain.
Also all the hard moments of your life are more painful than others. Like a spear into your brain.
I haven't watched the movie, I will watch it during the weekend.
Also all the hard moments of your life are more painful than others. Like a spear into your brain.
how about the happy memories? why hard moments standout more?
I don't know the answer. Maybe was like that only for me. I think the starseeds wanted to "convince" me that I should go with them and forget about those hard moments. Because they "told" me that once I decide to go, all my past memories are wiped and go to original "form" of starseed, like a new baby.
so it was like you can either be peaceful in another realm or continue struggling in this realm 😳
What if everybody also given two options like this when they are dying, but some choose to be peaceful in another realm, so they die in this realm, and some came back.
Not sure if everybody will get those 2 options. My case I think was a bit out of the ordinary.
Some people will just die in this realm without knowing it, what they are. They will just carry the data that after their body death, will be inserted into the central database.
I think those entities let me to continue because I was a bit more sensitive to other "things". After that "visit", I start seeing dead people (close to me) visiting me like they were alive. They do not scare me, are just like normal people but I know they are not from this realm.
I don't know how to explain this, I do not have any logical or "scientifically" explanation. I am not such expert in these things, but are overwhelming me sometimes. That's why I feel better alone in the wilderness. Is peaceful.
let me try to put my understanding together 😳
Yes, you could be harmed in a physical way but is just to experience that feeling, your starseed "body" is not harmed.
is starseed "body" you mean the soul? Nothing can really harm us in this realm, but others can harm us physically or make people lose their souls...
I don't know how to explain this, I do not have any logical or "scientifically" explanation. I am not such expert in these things, but are overwhelming me sometimes.
can it be possible that after that "visit", your third eye opened, so you can see things in other realms? I was reading a book from Huxley's wife, and they did an experiment on trying to understand " is Huxley still here" after his death, the medium mentioned in the book were supposedly quite famous, but I tried to search more before, but almost nothing online, so I thought this must be something "the rulers" do not want us to know.
I need refresh my brain and read your post again tomorrow.