My Bitcoin story is really simple. I smoke a lot of cigarettes and started at a really young age. I find the restrictions put on children being able to smoke completely immoral, as well as the taxes.. Being able to operate outside the system in the P2P cigarette market fixes this. Also the price of cigarettes in sats trends down over time so I know that all the sats I get today will buy me more cigarettes in the future
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Have you considered rolling your own, so you don't have to deal with the whole oppressive filter construct?
Yes I have considered it but rolling your own is really poor people's behavior. I agree the filter is lame but it is convenient because of the way it helps the cigarette hold its shape.
peer-to-peer cigarette circular economies are known to be highly susceptible to supply/demand fluctuations. Do you think this is a good time to invest in cigarette's?
It's always a good time to invest in cigarettes. It is investing in your personal happiness. Don't fear the volatility