1. When a hit piece on Biden?
  2. Is M. Saylor on the list ?
  3. Hit them harder! If is too hard, is better to apologize later then being sorry you didn't hit harder.
  4. Is there any relation between BB and Yellow?
  1. We've done a few pieces featuring Biden, but he's just a tool to demoralize people, so don't want to focus too much on him.
  2. Saylor is definitely on the list, just haven't come up with anything too compelling yet. Waiting for him to mess up
  3. Yeah I want everything the Bugle does to be in good taste. Don't want to kick people when they are down. Gloves off for Fiat maxis though.
  4. No relation. We're a lot funnier than Yellow
Hit them harder!
Well, since you asked real nice...
I have many years in Bitcoinlandia and I learned something: it's easier to say sorry (if you made a mistake) than censor yourself, just for the sake of not "insulting" somebody.
Nowadays are so many snowflakes that is almost impossible not to "insult" them. So I said... fuck it, I will shit on anybody that piss me off. If they don't like it, is their problem, not mine. If I see that was my mistake I would just say sorry.
This meme explain it all