FYI, sats are already 1000x more divisible on LN. This did not change anything in terms of the value attributed to each sat.
But let's agree to disagree :)
I think the concept went over your head. I'm saying equally inflating the value of everyone's sats by some multiplier of 10, subsequently changing the value of each sat, is effectively equivalent to making sats more divisible.
The lightning network's millisatoshi is an abstraction using a similar concept but it's obviously not enforceable on chain:
"Amounts are in millisatoshi, though on-chain enforcement is only possible for whole satoshi amounts greater than the dust limit (in commitment transactions these are rounded down as specified in BOLT #3)."
It didn't go over my head, that's how stock splits work and you didn't discover anything new. It's just that it's confusing and in Bitcoin it's not necessary, because you can own and transact in fractions.
1 sat should remain 1 sat forever. No need to rename 1 sat to 10 "new sats".