Another point regarding this is that I don't experience this at all:
As a result we ignore worthy news items or topics that should be discussed.
Are there cases where people ignored worthy news items because the OP didn't start a discussion?
Another point is that I think that the links which indeed did not require commentary are just ignored here. Imo, most links don't benefit much from commentary.
For example - sorry to pick you out here @siggy47 - but I think you did not have to add anything to following link posts:
(basically just search for link posts with a high amount of sats)
Is this some confirmation bias of mine? Am I not searching for the right items which disprove me? I am really struggling to understand where this sentiment is coming from.
Additionally, the thought process of posting links is imo the decision to post the link at all, not how you comment the link.
I agree. Those were the type of posts I was referring to where I think I was overcompensated. It's true that those posts did generate valuable discussion, but I think they may be the exceptions that prove the rule.