Actually, this is a better compromise than what I proposed above except it should be optional. This might just make the UX around adding your own thoughts to a link better so more people use it.
Additionally, this would make (if we want that) adding a tag to a link post so people can immediately if the OP shared his thoughts easier. The tags depends if something was added to that text input during sharing the link.
I think part of the disagreement is that I'm pretty sure we all hate form fields more than we think we do.
"Just stick another hurdle in my way. I don't mind." Ya shure about that?
I would defer to you on this, because I have seen in the past SN items I was sure I wanted that I never used once I got it. I can't find the post now, but a while back I actually tried what I thought of as a hybrid post, where I made a discussion post, started the message body with a link, and then added my thoughts. It didn't work too well, but maybe I should have tried a few more.
Don't defer! Rebel! I'm going to be wrong. You're going to be wrong. But we don't know until we discuss it. Courts don't only have judges. :)
And I'm a goddamn lawyer, too. I should know better! But, I see you're point about mandatory forms. What about an optional comment? It would make users like me who typically ignore pure link posts pause?
Comments are already optional but I know that's not what you mean. You mean something attached to the post in a singular way.
We could give it a shot. My intuition says it isn't the option to comment that's lacking. I think it's the motivation, desire, or even ability to comment that's lacking.
In any case, the UI makes it harder to comment by not being 'singular'. It should make it easy, but also optional. The current workaround is to post the link in the body of a discussion post rather than fragment it into a post and a comment. The latter is not only bad UX, but also confuses people as to whether to reply under the link post or the comment.
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I would also be in the camp of optional additional field when posting a link.
Here's an example post.
  • With this post, I wanted to post a link as well as an explainer about it, out of respect for the readers time. And to help identify if it is worth a click or not.
  • Yes it could have been a discussion post, but that defeats the purpose of having a clickable link up there.
  • Instead, I had to post to SN before drafting a comment. That comment took 10-15mins to create after the post went live. Potentially lost eyeballs.
  • Yes the 1st comment could have been drafted in markdown off the site, but it would have been much more convenient to have drafted it together with the original listing.
  • It is actually a preferable experience for the reader to get a digest of what the link is about, if they want to click on the title.
  • It doesn't need to be mandatory but the absence of a description field makes most posters not even consider creating a comment of any kind.
  • It is then up to the community to fill that vacuum of summarising the link or providing context. Is that the intention? I'm not sure it is.
I agree with @siggy47.
Very good points. I especially liked:
Instead, I had to post to SN before drafting a comment. That comment took 10-15mins to create after the post went live. Potentially lost eyeballs.
it would have been much more convenient to have drafted it together with the original listing.
the absence of a description field makes most posters not even consider creating a comment of any kind.
I'll create a ticket :)
edit: here it is
Well said. Yours should have been the OP
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I guess we could add a collapsed text form field to link posts.
Currently, we are even penalizing OPs who comment their own link post (like @hn, lol) since you then have to pay again. Additionally, I think I even noticed while working on @hn that the link post costs 1 sat and then the first comment costs 10 sats. So it's 11x as expensive currently, lol
do we hate typing into this form field?
It's not the typing. This comment thread isn't the context of someone who is submitting a link. Product design is about embodying the appropriate context at every step.
I agree it might be worth experimenting with given everyone's feelings around it. My intuition says this is better implemented as a gentle nudge/reminder, e.g. "posts with a thoughtful comment by the OP earn 300% more sats on average."
I agree it might be worth experimenting with given everyone's feelings around it.
Yep, maybe hide a text input field for a first comment in options?
I think we shouldn't at least penalize OPs commenting their links with an additional fee of 10 sats (just confirmed locally on 654ecaf)
or make an exception in the spam interval for this - probably required even with the optional text input field
This self-reply spam interval was created because people complained about OPs commenting on their own posts 2-5 times adding other links and context (not commentary) ... and so they would be disappointed when they opened an item and there wasn't a discussion.
but should the first comment also cost more sats?
Yes, good idea.
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