I also struggle with Idea 0, but I think it is the path that leads to the most personal growth and most reduces the risk of SN turning into an echo chamber.
However, it's not great if one or two toxic users can seriously undermine everyone else's enjoyment of SN. I'm curious how the downzap experiment will play out. My expectation is that it won't be used to silence alternative takes, but rather will mostly be used to deal with the flood of unwanted link posts.
That was the road I walked as well. I think that's well-articulated. Hopefully your intuitions are close to how it plays out.
I was trying to think about what would lead me to downzap someone. My inclination is to start up a conversation when someone posts content I disagree with. I don't think I would downzap anything if the poster (or even other SN users) were willing to engage.
If someone's just linking to outlets that are regularly caught knowingly lying to their readers/viewers, I might be tempted to downzap.
For me it's the combo of cliche + abuse. Useless to anyone (cliches contain zero information), and actively harmful to any community I'd want to be a part of (abuse drives quality away like a stink bomb. I already know what crypto twitter looks like, don't need a second one.)
I would really struggle over someone who was insightful but also abusive. Case by case, I guess.