New book idea. Fiat marriage. How fiat mind has affected a sacred institution.
I've been pondering this verse and I'm curious what @jimmysong or anyone else thinks about it in the context of this thread:
“For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” (Matthew 22:30)
I tend to think it suggests more of a @DarthCoin version of marriage described here than the traditional contract-style, but I am also sensitive to @jimmysong's point about no-fault divorce. (In the end, isn't divorce rate more a function of participants' core beliefs than the convenience or legality of it?)
I wrote about this in the new book, but suffice it to say that No-Fault Divorce was one of the biggest blows to the institution of marriage in the last 100 years. And it happened around the Nixon Shock.
I need to pick it up. Adding to the list.