39 votes \ poll ended
ALL wife wants your money, so yes, it's a shitcoin. Bitcoin is a perfect defense against that. None of them can take your bitcoins, not even in a divorce.
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ madness
don't get me wrong. I live with a woman, she's my pair in my life, but we are NOT married, I mean with papers and shit. That doesn't count. Matter only what you have in your heart.
Wife/husband = contractual commercial partner Think about that. So each one with his BTC... but sometimes we use a common wallet, just for common expenses.
Ugh I see, those papers are indeed stupid, even those weddings, they always look like a big show, tiring and boring, quite a waste of money.
quite a waste of money.
You get it really fast. Indeed, stack more sats, don't make weddings.
I never think I would do weddings, fun to see others sometimes but not too much fun if you are the one who need to put on the show - stack more Bitcoin is better.!
So each one with his BTC... but sometimes we use a common wallet, just for common expenses.
Wow, cool, I always feel like the main reason for many divorces is the money problem; from your experience, does both having his or her bitcoin lead to less arguement, too?
lead to less arguement, too?
Sometime ago... she said: honey let's buy a new sofa. Me: what's wrong with the existing one? (was just fine). Her: I don't like it anymore and the cats let their hair on it. Me: So? Clean it and will be just fine. She: But I want a new one. Me: So? Buy from your sats if you want a new sofa, I don't want and I don't need. End of story. Now she just love that sofa.
(arguing is useless, like with shitcoiners)
that is so much fun πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
am I the only one would like to hear more Darthcoin love stories πŸ˜‚
No. I don't think you have to go the traditional religious marriage route if you don't want to but finding a life partner and having kids together is the stuff of what makes a full life. Not for everyone but I think for most.
Please do one for cities because cities are definitely shitcoins.
No they aren’t! Cities are great! This sediment amongst bitcoiners is somewhat ridiculous. Massive amounts of people exchanging ideas/services and customs making life better for all is absolutely fantastic.
[leaf blower noises intensify]
yes, big cities are scams..
This is too crypto twitter let's all just take a deep breath
I love SN for some of the conversations and ideas, then I see posts like this lol
I think your comment is more "crypto twitter" than the post
not true
New book idea. Fiat marriage. How fiat mind has affected a sacred institution.
I've been pondering this verse and I'm curious what @jimmysong or anyone else thinks about it in the context of this thread:
β€œFor in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” (Matthew 22:30)
I tend to think it suggests more of a @DarthCoin version of marriage described here than the traditional contract-style, but I am also sensitive to @jimmysong's point about no-fault divorce. (In the end, isn't divorce rate more a function of participants' core beliefs than the convenience or legality of it?)
I wrote about this in the new book, but suffice it to say that No-Fault Divorce was one of the biggest blows to the institution of marriage in the last 100 years. And it happened around the Nixon Shock.
I need to pick it up. Adding to the list.
Honestly this is pretty dumb. Are promises a shitcoin. Are contracts a shitcoin? Are you a shitcoin? All pointless questions.
Here's the question. Is your word anything to you? Do you have integrity?
Lmfao... only if you have a shity relationship, which I hope this is not the case for you... Marriage is not an obligation, nor becoming a parent is.
Well people tend to treat it like one. Life long commitment by two people to each other is not a scam. For me marriage is holy covenant between my wife and I before God. The fact that others do not value their word, their spouse and deep commitment says more about them and modern society than marriage.
I've also found people are looking for excuses to do things they know are wrong. Reasons why they can do what they want beyond just admitting that is the reason. Rationalizing behavior is real.
Its super weak to say marriage is scam because you don't want to marry. Just don't do it. Major cope vibes.
If so, then call me a Shitcoiner. Shitcoining is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
I think it depends on whom you marry to.
Would you marry Vitalik? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
he is not my type 🀣
You can change him Natalia. He will be a bitcoiner again in no time.
I would like to end the evil root of all shitcoinings, but I'm afraid I'm not a good candidate for that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
deleted by author
Jordan Peterson says it is not
If you marry a shitcoiner then yes
Depends I guess, but a marriage license is 100%
Love is bitcoin, marriage certificates are shitcoin.
No fault divorce kinda makes it a shitcoin