The most important things for all of them:
  1. Choose wisely the wallet apps you are using, again not just one: #70725
  2. Study very well all the bitcoin solutions and wallets that can adapt to your activity.
  3. Start low then gradually higher your knowledge and use of more complex solutions that could fit better, depending on the volume of BTC payments you get in time. You don't have to build a fortress just to have a meaningless 1 payment /month... See examples here: #248871
Excellent links to your related content ! Anyone working with merchants must read!
I am committed to serving freedom oriented merchants first and want to ensure that I share best of what is known to support with good tools that maximize sovereign stacking - I'm glad you are here and will start adding specific scenarios at your post Calling for merchants: please share your BTC onboarding story on SN: #248871
Awesome! Thanks for this info.
Coincidentally this morning I talked about the options and differences between accepting btc/LN payments in a custodial and non-custodial way with a owner of a holidays resort on his park (for bookings, restaurant and other services).