Supporting small business merchants wanting to maintain self custody need significant early stage support from in setting up their wallet(s) and POS for store and backend (own node vs LSP) or on-chain payments and subsequent accounting considerations.
Following is a small sampling of merchants I've encountered at various stages of implementing process that works for stacking sats for their businesses, all with different needs and in different stages of understanding custody.
Examples of merchants:
Coffee shop - Muun Wallet, and has shopify as a POS
Butcher - early days of orangepilling, cannot see benefit to biz
Veggie Farm - Wallet of Satoshi and using WOS POS - keen on creating circular economy (with aformentioned butcher:)
Excavation Biz - on-chain direct to Coldstorage
Trailer sales - on- chain payments and needing off-ramp to USD
Please comment if you have experience onboarding new merchants or wish to discuss these merchants needs.