Is not about how much effort and energy you put in... is a whole more than just that. Do it yourself and we can talk later. You are talking from the perspective of a "city boy".
Just saying you'd have to do a lifetime of weatherproofing, wearing layers of clothes indoors, or carpooling to undo the inefficiencies you've created by choosing to grow your own produce for a single season.
Energy-scarcity-minded Environmentalists who promote Self sufficiency are deluded
If only there was a downvote button...
I've never seen anyone say that growing veg using natural resources is bad for the environment, this makes no sense.
Water comes from the sky, solar comes from the sky, you can reuse and make your own compost yearly. This is bad for the environment how?
I never said its bad for environment. Just that you will waste so much money that other money saving techniques like carpooling will likely not offset the deficit.
I mean humans used to have agricultural society where everyone had to be self sustainable and people were poor AF and starved to death any time there was a drought or long winter.
man, same people would say that milk is coming from the grocery store... and the cows are polluting the planet. They have no idea how is to grow plants and what and how to eat healthy.
I think you piled on a guy for nothing. He's just saying that homegrown stuff takes more energy than mass-produced crap due to the economy of scale. Does it mean we should all buy crap instead? Absolutely not, but pretending that homegrown saves the planet specifically by using less energy (which is not even how it works, we need MORE energy produced and used, not less) is delusional.
Thanks. I swear common sense is more scarce than bitcoin these days.