Night games are probably best anyway. In NY we get Jets and Giants free regular slot Sunday, plus out of market games if no home team is playing in the time slot. Some people probably don't pay for streaming.
True. Good point. Prime time games are most likely the only ones where everyone will get the same games. If we did do a Sunday, it could just be a free for all talking about all the games going on.
Not sure why but there are two games on Monday night the next couple weeks so maybe that is a good time to try it?
I'm in a similar boat with the Sunday afternoon games, where my parents come over and I wouldn't really be available for a live chat.
My wife works Sundays so I usually take the kids over to my parents for a few hours in the afternoon and then we have dinner with them. When we lived in the city we were 2 hours drive from my parents so really only saw them on holidays and the occasional weekend in the summer. It's been so great since we moved closer. I could feasibly do a Sunday but the night games are easier.