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The pool has been a bit hit. Glad you guys are having fun with it.
Siggy was trying to get a live chat going during the 1pm est games last Sunday. I seemed to have missed that as I logged off 10 minutes before kickoff of the 49ers v.s Steelers game but I really like the idea.
Would you guys be interested in doing a SN community watch. Where we pick a day/time and game to watch and live chat during the game?
If so, what would be your preferred game time to watch? (Personally, I would prefer any of the night games, as I usually take my kids to my parent's place on Sunday afternoon but I can work around it if everyone wants to do a Sunday 1pm or 4pm game).
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Sats for all.
Cheers, GR
Night games are probably best anyway. In NY we get Jets and Giants free regular slot Sunday, plus out of market games if no home team is playing in the time slot. Some people probably don't pay for streaming.
True. Good point. Prime time games are most likely the only ones where everyone will get the same games. If we did do a Sunday, it could just be a free for all talking about all the games going on.
Not sure why but there are two games on Monday night the next couple weeks so maybe that is a good time to try it?
I'm in a similar boat with the Sunday afternoon games, where my parents come over and I wouldn't really be available for a live chat.
My wife works Sundays so I usually take the kids over to my parents for a few hours in the afternoon and then we have dinner with them. When we lived in the city we were 2 hours drive from my parents so really only saw them on holidays and the occasional weekend in the summer. It's been so great since we moved closer. I could feasibly do a Sunday but the night games are easier.
As a ... not America ;) viewer my timezone is fairly limited to the early set of games. But I don't mind, I might be able to dip in the first half of the later SNF games.
But if you wanna witness someone going tilting harder than an overloaded cargoship in a hurricane... then pick a Vikings game, and get ready, you're about to witness a man have his hopes and dreams ground into dust right before your eyes.
Going to be a late night/early morning for you tonight?
Possibly. I'm still out in the wilds with an early morning 2moro to make a long drive so perhaps I miss this one.
Tag me in. I despise the Beagles. I will cheer in your stead.
Haha have at it. Do the Skol chant. Make horn blowing noises on 1st down. Make deep horn blowing noises on 3rd down. Yell at Kirks mediocre ass when he's being mediocre. Be ready to fight anyone that tells you Kirk isn't a top 10 QB. Be ready to griddy any chance you get. And lastly be ready to drive to FG range with the clock running out, a can't miss gimme kick, and watch it go wide right.
How to be a Vikings fan in easy steps.
Looks like I am bad luck. Turnovers killed them.
If it's SNF or MNF it lines up with the other pick em contest
If we do MNF that would be a nice tie in as that game would decide the weekly pick em.