Out and about in Glen Etive, on the hunt for Red Deer. And maybe take a dip in the loch.
What are y'all up to today?
Nice. Good hunting!
I was driving through Glen Coe and my passenger remarked; that’s a nice house… bit of graffiti, needs some work and TLC but could be really lovely and what a great view. Wonder who owns it?’ I replied ‘Jimmy Saville used to live there.’ ‘Oh. Really? They should probably raise it to the ground, remove all traces and plant a memorial garden to remember his victims…’
Not really a fixer-upper-opportunity I would want..
Glencoe is amazing. I was blown away by its beauty driving through it. Is it really savills old house? Or did you make that up to wind up your passenger?
Saw red deer!!! And Highland coooos I was so excited!
Stunning isn’t it.
Yep - best house in Glen Coe was his.
It is a beautiful part of the world…. Except for the midges.
Wow! Maybe I don't like that house anymore 🤣🤣 knock it down and build something else there haha.
Yes. I have so far been breakfast lunch and dinner to the local midge population...
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