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  1. Woke up
  2. Got outta bed
  3. Dragged a comb across my head
"Wake up, grab beer, grab rear, shave beard Put on some scene gear Gotta get drunk before my mom wakes up Break-up with my girlfriend so I can bang sluts" ;) - Hollywood undead.
My life goals right there. Anything else is just showing off!
#3 is less important by the day. I'm almost completely bald.
Mine is in fast retreat… I have a favourite comb and I will get to the point soon where I will never part with it :-)
That joke doesn't get old, but we do.
My kids actually bought me a card and it had a version of this joke written inside. It really should be retired.
The youngest also tells me not to worry as i no longer have to go to the hairdresser and she can do it for me at home… she is 6
That's great! My beard went gray early. My 6 year old was upset by how old I looked. BTW I was old to have a 6 year old. I started dying my beard for her but I never kept up with it. Finally she told me to stop it. Her friends noticed that my beard was always a different color.