Here's something I think some bitcoiners miss. Those that really just buy bitcoin on an exchange or some other provider. If you aren't using the tools you will tend to be distracted by number go up. Or go sideways lately. Start using the tools. Spend your time learning. Now you have something to talk about.
  • Self Custody
  • Lightning Wallets
  • Nostr
  • Value for value / Podcasting 2.0 / streaming sats
  • Running your own node
  • Running a lightning node
  • Running a miner
There are so many cool technologies being worked on that you can try out. These are almost always what I end up talking about with no-coiners and even crypto people. Usually the crypto people aren't interested because almost all I know are only looking for a quick easy buck. They still are in Fiat mindset. They have no clue about the value of bitcoin. They don't know how it works. They don't care. From what I can tell crypto is just another way to gamble.