This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Dollar will be king for at least another decade
Vintage of the grapes. We mostly eat grapes after meals here in Turkey. Small amount of grapes goes to wine factories. We make raki from dried grapes. Raki is our national drink. Most favourable raki variations are: Trakya Izmir Kulüp Yeni
This looks like a scam, please flag: #247688
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Don't know how it happened, but I lost my longest streak thus far here.
I guess I didn't zap when I thought I did, sad.
I really dislike the AI posts where they're verbose and sterile. If we can tell it's AI, you are being lazy. Use it to inform and enhance your own words.
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The grind! Stacking sats fir a better tomorrow!
the cowboy hats can be fun, but now that things have picked up at work I have less time to worry about wearing hats.
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sharing is caring
well, I have been watching many videos and podcasts about bitcoin to learn more, I will try to introduce bitcoin to our community ofter this war ends (war in the capital of Sudan ), bitcoin can help us with inflation and money remittance.
Stackers need to help set the new DDT comments floor at 100
aaaand it's at 100 now!
I've ordered some takeout and will camp out in my hotel room until I finish my "Why you shouldn't use Stacker News" talk.
I might sneak out for @supertestnet's spacechains workshop.
Then hopefully I've gotten far enough on the talk that I can go out and party.
will you be able to post that talk here?
I'll probably do it in google docs and I'll at least share the link to that.
Careful, it might make everyone leave /s
The interesting thing is most people who are here have probably already given this talk to themselves but saw through/past it. My goal is to communicate with the people who wouldn’t otherwise go through the trouble of that and get them further toward making an informed decision whatever that is.
Signaling self-awareness like that seems like a good strategy, given how so many prominently loud voices are so deficient in it.
My life has changed after opting for low carb diet. Losing weight, thinking clearer, and more confident. Fix the diet, fix the world :)
Awesome. Getting off ‘fiat’ cheap and easy carbs is a game changer. Still space in my diet for very occasional things though (hmmm pasta)
Trying to decide if it is better to support lots of content or a few really good pieces of content. So the question is should I zip lots (10 sats) or zap a little (50+sats)?
This isn’t about the algorithm but more of a personal question about giving value for value.
And as an aside I am always surprised how few people donate to the rewards fund each day.
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Look what the sat dragged in… what time do you call this? Lol
I completely agree but I don’t want to encourage the AI-clowns and link-tards. I’m hoping I can be more discerning AND generous.
Hey as an AI-tard-clown I find this deeply unoffensive honk honk
Phew. No one wants a triggered AI-clown giving its flat, fake generated indignation… lol
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Whom dis? Read like the AI robot. Danger Will Robinson Danger!
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Actually the past section option in hacker news will be cool if integrated in stacker news
Little Friday is here gang!! Aka, Thursday!! I do apologize for not posting yesterday but I did sent you some good vibes like I always do, I was rather occupied, just like today but I gave myself a small break to let you know that you matter and you're important, don't forget that, hope your day goes amazing and with lots of success, the weekend is almost here so let's crank up the awesomeness and let's do this!!! Be well and stay frosty my friend!!!
based coach, stay frosty
Paying for things with Bitcoin feels like living in the future
Hell yeah! Better than the future our governments are writing for us with our money…
CBDCs are coming though... less access to cash these days and less banks allowing sending money to exchanges.
It's happening.
Life, just like Bitcoin, keeps moving forward. Independent of your actions.
This post was violence. Attacked. Vomiting, crying, throwing up.
Spouse is gone for a week, I need to figure out a way to get regular, in person social contact. That can be tough!
Do what I did, buy two cats and have them stand shoulder to foot in a trench-coat. One of the most profound friends i have
any bitcoin meetups in your area?
new ad today 😱
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why am i watching what feels like a surfing porno
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i aspire to be like them
i am terrible at surfing
Today I started exercising. Been working and worrying too much lately. Some things haven't been easy, so I need to get active into exercising more regularly.
walks in nature are your friend. touch some grass and trees.
Yes, absolutely. I'm getting my downhill bike some maintenance and will be ready to kick the Woods this weekend
Great effort. A little consistency over time will pay huge dividends. Consider it investment DCA-ing into your health.
Absolutely, sir. I'm commited to invest in my health heavily. All I've been doing is work work work, learn about btc and get stressed out by the news (what a thing) plus the normal life crap... time for myself, I wanna be healthier and stronger so I can enjoy the bright future BTC will bring soon.. Have a nice day!
That’s really good. Satoshi is coming… be ready!
What happened to the daily? Only 25 comments in 30 minutes? lol
Do you think we should do a poll on number of comments we expect to get? 0-50 (crickets chirping) 51-100 (are you all avoiding life by posting here?) 101-150 (are you sure there isn’t something work or home related that needs doing?) 151-200 (jeez team we just blew up the internet and now people are going to have to fix it)
so you're saying we should have a prediction market?
everywhere i look, i now see prediction markets
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Once you understand what prediction markets make possible, you go to bed each night with anxiety, feeling chronically short of prediction markets.
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so prediction markets the next big thing?
Maybe. I at least feel like there is a shortage of various types of prediction markets.
For example, prediction markets could be funny: How many beans are in this glass? You could run one during a live stream and see how the probabilities start to come closer to the truth the more beans you take out of the glass.
Prediction markets could be short-lived: Will Tom arrive on time? All his friends say no so they all would bet 99 sats to win 1 sat, but Tom thinks he will arrive on time so he can bet 1 sat to win 99 sats. If he is on time, the friends lose but they receive a Tom which arrived on time. Maybe that was worth 99 sats to them (kind of like hedging but against events, not on commodity prices). And Tom receives these 99 sats. Of course, you always have to account for perverse incentives since you don't want to incentivize people to be regularly late in the first place but I hope you get the idea. Just some fun with sats betting on random stuff which even exposes some valuable information possibly: Did Tom know that so many people are 99% sure he will be late? Also, the Lightning Network could make prediction markets very accessible: no KYC, instant settlement, micropayments and low fees.
And prediction markets could be user-generated and private (like the example above)
However, they are highly regulated (for example, to prevent assassination markets). I think that's why there are so few out there. But something about "bitcoin doesn't care".
does that not take us into recreating the existing system in some way?
You mean because of the financial incentives? Not necessarily if you use bitcoin, I think. But not sure I understand what you mean with "recreating the existing system".
what are the grounded usecases for prediction markets?
Whenever you want to incentivize people to tell you the truth what they think will occur in the future.
And this one from Robert Hanson. Hanson created a nice automated market maker for prediction markets.
I don’t want to make anyone ill - least of all myself - so let’s leave it as a thought exercise.
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Fun fact: I noticed myself occasionally searching here before hitting any search engine, is this what the web of trust means? Like once I found something related to my search, I would click on the profile to have a look too:
  • Is this person a bot?
  • How much sats he/she stacked
  • Quality of history posts&comments
Imaging more plebs contribute more valuable content in the future 👀
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Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Mom's. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own. Nelson Algren
Now I want to go and read ‘The Man with the Golden Arm.’ As if I don’t have enough to do!
I read it for the first time about 45 years ago. I still think it might be my favorite novel. Pretty depressing, though. A Walk On The Wild Side is really good too.
‘On The Road’ by Kerouac remains mine. But I love a good recommendation - thank you.
I am a big Kerouac fan too. Visited his grave in Lowell a few times. I re-read it not too long ago and it didn't have the same impact for me as when I first read it. Either the world changed or I got too old. Kerouac has some great quotes: "Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain"
Love that quote. I have seen the original scroll manuscript up close and it really is an amazing artefact.
Interesting point - I haven’t read it in around 10 years but I remember first reading it as a teenager and being blown away. I think we take different things when we reread books over the course of our lives.
Have you read the original (ie unedited) version? I found it an informative diversion but still prefer the story of Sal & Dean. Also enjoy his other books with Lonesome Traveller a favourite.
My top quote is an obvious one (and appropriate around these parts); ‘the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!’
No doubt his best quote. I don't remember how many times I read OTR, but the first time had the most impact. I even drove across the country with two of my friends in a crappy little Datsun (now Nissan). I don't know anything about the original version. You gave me something to explore. I'm sure you read the Ann Charters biography?
I have read a couple of biographies including the Ann Charters one and although they are informative around the details of his life and the real life characters; I enjoy the stories and adventures he recounts so much I almost don’t want to know the ‘truth’ other than how he portrayed it.
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Damn it. Page was struggling to load…. Hey snail!
Lol. You always have tomorrow buddy.
Not against you. I suspect you have added grease to the underside of your snail. No mollusc should be that fast…
Lmao. That's funny. No grease here, just fast fingers ;)
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Day 145 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Welcome __@_'-'
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Oh snap. Almost. I need to get faster :)
Keeping my longest cowboy streak going until __@_'-' reaches its destination: 19
Thank you very much __@_'-'
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Great effort on your part!
Thank you for your effort to make it happen, and adding so much fun in it 😂
@nemo is so funny sometimes, I don't even know how to describe it
There's also a lot of depth in his comments, I think
Like all the different things he mentions
A very special fish indeed... Wait.
@nemo, did you use @nemo as your nym because Nemo is the name of a clownfish? And that's why you're so funny?
His comment sometimes make me laugh!
so creative @nemo
Ah, yes, creative is one good word to describe it
For some reason I didn't come up with "creative", lol
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I snickered at "all these characters here"
At first I thought you mean letters with characters.
Like you read letter by letter and it gets funnier the more letters/characters you read
Or maybe you said this on purpose because of the two possible meanings?
I still cannot comprehend the true depth of @nemo's comments
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Yes, I need to create more alts for more LARPing
We had the idea to make it seamless to switch between different alts
Maybe that would make LARPing a lot more fun
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You are a revolutionary hero.
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