I code for a living, albeit not as an app developer, but in academia.
A gamechanger for me in terms of fighting procrastination has been a combination of:
  • www.focusmate.com (you share the screen for one hour with someone else who is trying to get a task done)
  • journaling almost everything I do. At the beginning/end of the week and day for big picture, and at the beginning or end of each focusmate session for readjusting my focus, i.e. write down what I did well, what I need to change, what is my next immediate task, etc. I use vimwiki for this, but there are many other tools (my colleague is into obsidian https://obsidian.md/ quite heavily).
  • tell my colleagues NOT to interrupt me when I have my headphones on (this means I am "in the zone", and coding).
As a side note, I've been tinkering with the idea of building a nostr client which does a similar thing as focusmate.com, but with the additional advantage of using LN micropayments to pressure yourself into working (you lose the bounty if you didn't do what you committed to).
Just noticed I tipped the @anon account. What happens to those sats? Do they go in the shared tipping jar?
Yes, rewards pool to be distributed to everyone
I really love your idea of a nostr client that does the same as focusmate (I use flow.club, similar concept but I like it better) but with zaps. Absolutely amazing idea, totally count me in for feedback/beta testing/etc.
I'd like to build it during an upcoming Nostr Hackathon. If anyone reading this would be interested in teaming up, please contact me. I have coding experience, but not specifically in the things that are required to build such thing. But I'm eager and able to learn quickly.
Did not know focusmate.com, that sounds really like a awesome shortcut to get productive!