Hoping we get a little fun trash talking and some rivalries going.
I used to join soccer matches as a paramedic and I never understood the rivalries. I guess because I mostly paid attention to the worst offenders since that's where we would be called to or that we have to wear helmets during specific matchups.
But I think I just never paid attention to friendly and funny banter. I guess people throwing bottles 'n stuff just totally alienated me from people just being fans of a team "for fun", lol
That would at least make a lot of sense, now that I think about it.
Edit: damn, already learned a second thing, haha
I won't be surprised if picking the Raiders' opponent is a common weekly strategy, so I'm preparing myself for the onslaught of verbal taunting.
I will be picking against the Raiders as soon as Jimmy G goes out for a season ending injury. Not that I am cheering for that. I like Jimmy but he gets hurt alot.
Prepare to get eliminated by The Irish Canon, then.