I'm bizarrely excited about this.
Hoping we get a little fun trash talking and some rivalries going.
I used to join soccer matches as a paramedic and I never understood the rivalries. I guess because I mostly paid attention to the worst offenders since that's where we would be called to or that we have to wear helmets during specific matchups.
But I think I just never paid attention to friendly and funny banter. I guess people throwing bottles 'n stuff just totally alienated me from people just being fans of a team "for fun", lol
That would at least make a lot of sense, now that I think about it.
Edit: damn, already learned a second thing, haha
I won't be surprised if picking the Raiders' opponent is a common weekly strategy, so I'm preparing myself for the onslaught of verbal taunting.
I will be picking against the Raiders as soon as Jimmy G goes out for a season ending injury. Not that I am cheering for that. I like Jimmy but he gets hurt alot.
Prepare to get eliminated by The Irish Canon, then.
Me too, I might actually learn something about NFL and leagues etc.
Just learnt NFL stands for National Football League.
Didn't know which sport we're talking about a few minutes ago, lol
I was also worried I missed to pick teams or something. Glad that's not the case.
This is straight hustler talk. I'm keeping an eye on you.
Since you don't know much about the game and which teams are good. You will want to check the odds prior to picking. That will help you understand which teams are favoured.