I think macro scale... the fact that we all think that the way the world is - I mean the patterns of daily life and routines - are absolute facts and MUST exist for unquestionable reasons. This is a psy-op.
We're all told via the news that the world is "this way" and we must follow local customs and routines.
The world could look drastically different if we all woke up tomorrow and decided to stop participating in any given previous method, and instead all changed.
Imagine if everyone did some small, albeit powerful group effort.
If we all simultaneously stopped paying sales tax, or income tax or if we all decided to do XYZ... the established order has no power or value. And the powers might fight back but many forces/police/militaries wouldn't be large enough to control eveyone.
Change can be swift if everyone holds the line.
It's an entire psy-op to believe the world just is how it is because that's how it is. Powerful people mould it like this.