What's an everyday PsyOP you'd like to break down for people to think about? Often these little inaccurate to reality assertions going unchallenged is what gives them power. So lets do the simple step of calling out what they are to make us better people.
A common one for me is "Sideloading". There is no such thing as sideloading. They say Microsoft Edge's reason for existing is to download google chrome, but for some reason on a smart phone, we call that "sideloading". There is no such thing as sideloading. Its just called installing a program.
I think macro scale... the fact that we all think that the way the world is - I mean the patterns of daily life and routines - are absolute facts and MUST exist for unquestionable reasons. This is a psy-op.
We're all told via the news that the world is "this way" and we must follow local customs and routines.
The world could look drastically different if we all woke up tomorrow and decided to stop participating in any given previous method, and instead all changed.
Imagine if everyone did some small, albeit powerful group effort.
If we all simultaneously stopped paying sales tax, or income tax or if we all decided to do XYZ... the established order has no power or value. And the powers might fight back but many forces/police/militaries wouldn't be large enough to control eveyone.
Change can be swift if everyone holds the line.
It's an entire psy-op to believe the world just is how it is because that's how it is. Powerful people mould it like this.
I like that you're focusing on relatively mundane psyops. The big ones get a lot of attention, but these little things are pretty impactful too.
The label "Mainstream Media" confers an undeserved sense of legitimacy, despite being meant as a disparagement. The corporate press that pushes regime propaganda has much lower viewership/readership than the "Alternative Media".
These labels need to be abandoned. There's corporate (or regime) media and there's independent media.
Great point. I often wonder why the "alt media" keeps reporting on what the "mainstream media" is doing. It just seems that they're giving MSM more time and legitimacy that they deserve.
The counterpoint is that even if viewership of MSM is low, the people in power still disproportionately care about MSM. And I think that's probably true.
Still, I try to change my language to no longer refer to "mainstream media". I prefer to call them the "entertainment news media" or the "corporate media" or "legacy media".
I don't think people in power see the corporate press as anything other than a tool. They know the game. However, there are many people who still care about those outlets, because the "respectable people" tell them to: I refer to that as "The Cult of Respectability".
As far as independent media still focusing the depravities of the corporate press, I think it's partly habit and partly what got them prominence in the first place. It's also entertaining.
In order to really kill the corporate press, we need to follow independent reporting and stop following reporting on corrupt regime reporting that has no audience.
FOMO is a psyop you do against yourself.
Following along with the corporate media, each day is like a new chapter in a trashy thriller novel. Always another fresh outrage, phantom menace, or impending doom to talk about. You end up talking about the newest thing around the water cooler, just like you could talk about the latest episode of Breaking Bad.
It's a literal reality TV.
99% of the daily narrative is completely irrelevant to your life, yet you're investing mental energy and time into it. The more time I spend away from it, the more I notice just how little I miss out on by not paying attention to it.
The everyday psyop is "Here's a problem... WHAT ARE POLITICIANS DOING ABOUT IT?!"
It reinforces the faulty premise that it's the politicians job to solve every problem and over time increases the size and power of government, and the peoples' overreliance on it.
I think mowed lawns are a psyop and a money hole. I don't want to say much about it though, I'm already on enough lists.