A bitcoiner is just anyone who holds bitcoin and understands bitcoin beyond a superficial level. (If all you do is hold bitcoin in a custodial account and don't know anything about how it works or why we need it, you don't count as a bitcoiner, sorry).
A maxi is someone with a particularly oppositional stance towards cryptocurrency other than bitcoin. To be a maxi, I think you can't just be suspicious of other crypto, you have to have to be evangelistically opposed to it. That's my take anyway.
I liked how you explained how you perceive Maxis
I'm not evangelical at all. I just don't have the time or inclination to care about thousands of shitcoins. So I'm a maximalist for the sake of simplicity. Maybe I'll miss some amazing opportunity? Fine, I'm willing to take that risk.
okay thanks :)
This is retarded as are you. First, you are wrong -- there is ZERO requirement of understanding to "be a bitcoiner" and being a bitcoiner in a strict sense means very little, just must use bitcoin.
You are someone who does not understand Bitcoin monetarily, which is rather simple, and only through severe retardation can you fail to understand it. There is nothing extreme about this, therefore, the idea of a maximalist is a false slur.
I am a bitcoin berserker, which is to say that I understand bitcoin, and will take great pleasure in the destruction of fiat. It means I am more human, and am able to think through higher order effects, but this is not required to understand bitcoin.
I think a better term for people who don't understand bitcoin and have idiotic thoughts like perpetuity of fiat after decades alongside broad use of bitcoin that is well understood in the vernacular: retard.