You made me realize that I didn't give enough emphasis on Einstein's use of relaxing, visualizing and 'daydreaming'. It's funny how so many teachers, parents and employers frown upon such a pastime.
As they seemed to have served Einstein so well - they should be promoted more instead of being stifled.
Thanks for your reply. I'll look up the links with the Rothschild family. I'd hesrd that Karl Marx had such family connections, but I didn't know that Albert did.
Yeah. Good sleep is also really important.
Ideas lead to freedom... Keep em on the treadmill and dominance is easier.
Hmm, what would the world be like if that didn't happen?
I think that all this blue and ultraviolet light and radio waves are intended to make people sleepless. Everyone is more suggestible and compliant when they are tired. I might be unusual, after a few days of fucking with my sleep I will tear your face off.