How to post like Albert Einstein on SN
Let's get this straight, I seriously doubt you'll be awarded a Nobel Prize through reading this - but looking at how Einstein worked could help us improve our posts on SN and our work...
Well, sadly, I've gotta admit it, Albert didn't invent Bitcoin - so he missed out on one there (unless, unbeknownst to us, Hal cloned him from his missing brain).
But, what we do know - he was one hell of a thinker - he published (or co-published) an incredible 272 articles - covering a wide subject matter. Plus many of them were so 'out there' that if you tried to understand them they might make your seedplate curl.
So, how did Einstein manage to develop so many theories and maintain such a staggering output?
Well, he seems to have done what many other great thinkers have done (and many Bitcoiners) he lengthened his time preferences, took it easy on himself and relaxed.
Instead of working on Problem A until he was pulling his hair out, and shouting at the cat, he tried something different - he moved onto an unrelated problem Problem B. If he found that the workings surrounding Problem B became too much - he went back to Problem A again or started to look at a new problem. He'd usually come back to them and crack the problem in the end.
This way our Albert always maintained a fresh mind, got lots of prizes and probably never shouted at his cat (unless it pissed on his seedphrase).
BTW Replace Problem A with New Post A and Problem A with New Post A and pretty soon you'll posting like Einstein, or our siggy47 - maybe the next best thing 😁.
To learn more, read this Ted talk transcript here:
...or view Tim's Ted talk!