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Do you have any favorite rules you live by?
These can be personal principles, mental models or frameworks for looking at the world, or even sayings or mantras that you remind yourself of often.
  1. Respect and follow the Natural Law (do not steal, do not kill, do not damage)
  2. Smile, tomorrow will be worse. Every day try to laugh or at least smiling. Leave outside all your worries.
  3. Fuck the banks and govs, NEVER trust / listen any of them.
  4. Live your life as it would be your last day on this planet. Enjoy at maximum every day.
  5. Be yourself, no matter what others would say about you. Fuck'em'all, if they don't like you is their problem, not yours. Don't change yourself just because somebody doesn't like you.
These are great!
100% agree
Natural law?
Doesn’t Nature steal and kill and damage endlessly in order to survive?
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One of the inspiring "quotes" that I actually remembered:
Q: How do you motivate yourself? A: You don't. You just do it.
What about you?
This one was big for me. Motivation is bs, be disciplined instead
Motivation exists but it's more like a spark and less like fuel source.
Yeah this is something I’ve found myself relating to more as I get older.
When I was in high school I used to try and hype myself up to finish an important task, but the task of trying to motivate myself became a new task in and of itself. Much easier to just do the thing and get it over with.
When done consistently, you'll get extremely far slowly.
Runners call this pacing. Writers call this drafting. Actors call this rehearsal.
This reminds me of “Gradatim Ferociter”, the motto of Blue Origin.
It translates to “step by step, ferociously”.
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There is no bad that doesn’t come for the good
Patience is the key to happiness.
I like this one.
Be active. Be curious. Work hard. Take care of your family. Control what you can, don't sweat what you can't. Be humble. Stack sats.
MMOB (mind my own business)
Write everyday and run 40 miles every month
Write code and run, like Hal.
  1. Don’t waste energy
  2. We all write checks on an account that we don’t know the balance (time). Be wise how you spend.
  3. Stay happy , relaxed , energized . Recognize when you aren’t right on any of those three categories and get right asap
  4. Results come from tenacity/ velocity / focus in balance
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Good products don't need marketing/advertising/shilling/orange-pilling/narratives. The best business plan and go-to-market strategy is having the best product.
To sell something is to "un-buy" it. To sell, is to wish you had never bought. ~ Warren Buffet
If you find yourself on the side of the majority, its time to pause and reflect. ~ Mark Twain
Democracy is rule by the people. And the people are retarded ~ Osho
If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. ~ Thomas Jefferson
The Tree of Liberty must be watered, from time to time, with the blood of tyrants ~ Thomas Jefferson
I don’t have a problem with someone using their talents to become successful, I just don’t think the highest calling is success. Things like freedom and the expansion of knowledge are beyond success, beyond the personal. Personal success is not wrong, but it is limited in importance, and once you have enough of it it is a shame to keep striving for that, instead of for truth, beauty, or justice. ~ Richard Stallman
Help only those who want to be helped
  • You shall not be a dickhead
Simple as this....
  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
That's all there is to it.
Many are personal, but this principle is general enough:
Every day, I plan the day so that I end up at least slightly better in at least one metric that I'm currently tracking
The only thing that comes to mind is "Dont explain dont complain" but im not fully living up to it so hmm
"waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius
live and let live
Have daily routine.
  1. Respect the Natural Law and Universal around Universe in this planet;
  2. Believe in God;
  3. Help people;
  4. Stack sats;
  5. Teach people about Bitcoin;
  6. Live with peace in mind;
  7. Remember our Ego is bad;
  8. Have humility and always open to learn;
  9. Never give up.
stack, spend, repeat
Michael Saylor has 10 good phrases for life:
A lot of people would do a lot better in life if they'd start the day with watching video's of the Milgram and Asch experiments.
10 commandments works for me
100% Freedom.
Everything is a scam until proven otherwise by rigorous, thorough inspection and validation. If there is room for doubt, err on the side of caution.
always be prepared
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine"
You get what you expect.
Wear sunscreen
The 10 commandments.
Why? Because the accumulated wisdom of tens of thousands of years of humanity is included in them whether you believe in god or not.
Not sure why people ignore them today; everyone too smart I guess.
  1. Sleep 7 or more hours per night
  2. Exercise (aerobic and resistance) weekly
  3. Manage stress in healthy ways
  4. Cultivate healthy relationships
  5. Drink plenty of water and eat mostly whole/minimally processed foods
Don't ascribe to malice anything that can be explained by stupidity.
Time is the only limited resource.
Having children and passing along your values is likely the only achievable form of immortality.
Most people are followers. A few are leaders. Only a small handful of individuals look at the others and say "whoaa, the leaders are assholes, the followers are dumb, so I'm gonna just wing it on my own".
At the same time, whatever gifts you have or don't have, including the ability to think for yourself, are beyond your control, so be charitable.
Human ability has a normal distribution. This is true for any cross section you take. Never assume that a specific profession has a monopoly on a portion of the curve. In other words, the average doctor/engineer/lawyer/etc is still an idiot.
Honesty is a rare commodity.
Words are infinitely powerful, so watch your tongue.
More than could be quickly written here, but essentially do no harm unless harm is done to you, stress little and laugh often, say thankyou and be grateful for every day good or bad, be as useful as possible and help when and where I can.
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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 good one!