I grew up in the suburbs and it was quite a lovely childhood.
I lived in the city for 20 years and it was great when I was in my 20s. Less great in my early 30s. Kind of shit with a wife and one kid and just total shit with a wife and two kids.
I mean if you like your kids crossing major throughways at rush hour to go play at the park with their friends where degenerate druggies left their needles and beer cans from the night before (and this is in one of the nicest areas of the city) or having your wife and newborn baby who have been up all night woken up at 7am to jackhammering because they are building another ugly ass concrete, steel and glass shoebox container next to you. If you like paying $1200sqft for your shoebox. If you like driving around in insane traffic and construction delays every day or riding subways and buses with crazy people, drunk and high people, people who smell like they haven't showered in a month. If you like every place you go being totally packed and taking twice as long to get food or groceries etc because lines are insane. If you like your surroundings to be concrete, steel, glass, flashing lights, garbage and filth.
Then cities are for you. More power to you. Personally I believe most people who live in cities just suffer from stockholm syndrome. There are certain jobs, industries, lifestyles that really suit cities but I am certain at least 50% of people who live in cities would be a lot happier if they just got the fuck out.
You're confusing suburban with rural.
I guess you grew up rural and want to raise your children rural. Which I can totally understand.
No, I grew up in a suburb of Toronto. Now we live in a small town around 2 hours outside of the city.
I get what you are saying. Suburbs aren't that much better than the city but still preferable in my book.