Not sure why people still think BTC is hard to use. Quite literally the easiest way to pay for things out there.
More techy stuff that you can do with bitcoin that shitcoiners scapegoat as their excuse to use their "alternatives" doesn't negate the fact that I can send and receive money instantly without any need for an account or transfer of personal information
I agree, very easy / much easier than I expected it would be. A lot of would-be newcoiners get scared off or just lose their attention as soon as they hear words like “seed phrase” “private key” “public address” etc. I think adoption would accelerate dramatically if these terms were replaced globally with something more user friendly - “secret passphrase” “private/secret account number” “public account number / or public routing number”
Change non-custodial wallet —> self-custodial wallet or self-managed wallet
Change custodial wallet —> externally-managed wallet
the whole "custodial/non-custodial/self custody" clusterfuck is definitely a confusing one. why did we agree on this guys
i don't know if it's a terminology problem so much as just a sheer amount of new information, can definitely be intimidating for newcomers