I really love this website and platform but from the homepage it reminds me of the old message boards. I love the conversations and the posts, but sometimes I just want to mindlessly scroll until something really catches my eye.
Any thoughts?
Great job to the devs! I love supporting each other with Sats
Its UI design pattern is based on Hacker News, but it's far better and engaging. Pretty impressive incremental improvements so far. SN has only existed in a bear market, and prior to the walls going up around centralized mainstream platform majors. Patience. Lots of potential.
have you tried instagram or snapchat or tiktok?
C’mon, you know what I mean. Obviously I mean something a little bit more like Twitter/X but with this reward system.
It’s so hard to find something worthwhile from a title with no extra context (from the homepage)
There’s gold in here, but you have to go through a lot of nothing to get to it.
Curious. My experience is the exact opposite... I find the old school message board style provides much higher signal to noise ratio than the modern embedded media approach.
I do get that, but I also think this website is highly concentrated with like-mind individuals, and that’s the real reason you (we) feel this way.
seems like a great use case for nostr
You’re probably right, but at the moment I prefer SN to Nostr
I don't touch Nostr yet, but I think you're more likely to get such a drastically different UI from a new project than waiting for an extent project to drastically change their focus.
Are you advocating for link spamming 😜? I'm sure we discussed something like this the other day.
So a couple of points, do you feel that a user posting a news link to an article they didn't write and then get zaps (generate money) off of it (someone else's work) is good for the community?
Hands up guilty of posting links, but the distinction I want to make is about engagement. Posting a link and then discussing it with people is organic engagement. Link spamming to farm sats is just a little boring in my opinion.
I wonder if the Devs (@k00b et al) would be open to removing zaps on link posts? Not the comments on the posts, but if the post catagory is link rather than discussion, the post won't be eligible to receive zaps (users comments on that post would still be eligible). Could stop link spamming and zap farming off other people's work, especially as @premitive1 mentioned the other day, lots of posts are just links where nobody answers any comment below it.
've just rediscovered the joy of long form forum posts and I'm liking the economic model being tried here. If I want mindless scrolling I nip back to Amethyst on Nostr and scroll to my heart's content. This seems like a better place for more thought through discussion.