Are you advocating for link spamming 😜? I'm sure we discussed something like this the other day.
So a couple of points, do you feel that a user posting a news link to an article they didn't write and then get zaps (generate money) off of it (someone else's work) is good for the community?
Hands up guilty of posting links, but the distinction I want to make is about engagement. Posting a link and then discussing it with people is organic engagement. Link spamming to farm sats is just a little boring in my opinion.
I wonder if the Devs (@k00b et al) would be open to removing zaps on link posts? Not the comments on the posts, but if the post catagory is link rather than discussion, the post won't be eligible to receive zaps (users comments on that post would still be eligible). Could stop link spamming and zap farming off other people's work, especially as @premitive1 mentioned the other day, lots of posts are just links where nobody answers any comment below it.