have you tried instagram or snapchat or tiktok?
C’mon, you know what I mean. Obviously I mean something a little bit more like Twitter/X but with this reward system.
It’s so hard to find something worthwhile from a title with no extra context (from the homepage)
There’s gold in here, but you have to go through a lot of nothing to get to it.
Curious. My experience is the exact opposite... I find the old school message board style provides much higher signal to noise ratio than the modern embedded media approach.
I do get that, but I also think this website is highly concentrated with like-mind individuals, and that’s the real reason you (we) feel this way.
seems like a great use case for nostr
You’re probably right, but at the moment I prefer SN to Nostr
I don't touch Nostr yet, but I think you're more likely to get such a drastically different UI from a new project than waiting for an extent project to drastically change their focus.