I haven't even started building it yet, but I'll put it out there for anyone to steal the idea; an uncensorable bracketing/tournament system with payouts. I like to play in video game tournaments somewhat regularly, and I've seen how some companies exercise control over these communities when they get too big. Take the advertising money and the throat to throttle out of the equation by putting everything on nostr and adding sats payouts.. you have a system where people can enjoy their hobbies how they like, rather than what big corps will "allow".
The existing tournament bracket apps kinda suck on mobile, too. Very slow and unresponsive, and basically unusable in in-person situations where there's hundreds of people on the wifi. If something agnostic can be built that doesn't need to send/receive a lot of information, that would be killer imo.
Bolt.fun is doing a month-long nostr hackathon starting Oct 3rd, btw ;)
That's a good idea, I'll add it to the list.
That reminds me of a related idea I had: to use Nostr to replace game-servers entirely, using Nostr for matchmaking and to transmit game-state updates between clients. Multiple relays could be used to reduce the chance of connection issues.
Bolt.fun is doing a month-long nostr hackathon starting Oct 3rd, btw ;)
I'll check it out, thanks!
That reminds me of a related idea I had: to use Nostr to replace game-servers entirely, using Nostr for matchmaking and to transmit game-state updates between clients. Multiple relays could be used to reduce the chance of connection issues.
I've also had this sort of idea! Though more for replacing the master server list, not for actual communication between server and client (I think that would be way too slow). You could run a Minecraft server, for example, and publish to nostr where you're located, rather than relying on a centralized Microsoft server.