You can pay with bitcoin. :)
so why is priced in usd?
That's the world we live in.
The title of the post literally says: why do many bitcoiners still trust the fiat software.
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It says "FOSS" that means free open source software, but is charging 39 bucks/mo... right. Is really free.
I am not saying that is bad idea/service. Not at all. Not every user is capable to self host all those services, even if they use some of those bundle nodes like Umbrel. Is not that easy for many people.
I myself I self host all those service in dedicated machines, for myself, my own domains, for free c(only paying the domains and electricity. But that doesn't mean everybody can do it.
As they say in FOSS, Free as in Freedom != Free as in free beer.
Being FOSS doesn't mean you can't charge to use it.
Also yeah, I don't think everybody can setup their own server and they probably shouldn't unless they understand how to secure it properly. I feel anxious even having a public ssh instance running even though you can only login to it with an ssh key + password
there is nothing wrong with making a profit on FOSS. that is what the freedom part of foss means, the freedom to use the software/code how you see fit, even if that means profiting off of it
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Yes, but at least don't say is FOSS, is only OSS...
Yeah, English is not great to describe that concept. Spanish is better:
Libre is a better concept for Free.
Gratis would be the Free you are referring to.
Open Source is Libre, but not necessarily Gratis.
It's FOSS. The F refers to the software, not the hardware/network/power.
free as in freedom not as in free beer