He seems harmless to me, though certainly highly opinionated and confident about it. what exactly do you want out of this post?
Also, regarding prediction markets, if I recall correctly betting sites are better at predicting certain things, like elections, than other methodologies
What exactly do you want out of replying to me?

I'm shouting into the void like screaming into a pillow

Paul's whole idea with truthcoin/hivemind was prediction markets until he distracted himself with the idea of drivechains to solve a problem that didn't actually exist
I want you to explain why you care what Paul does. Also, I believe prediction markets can run on drivechains.

I want you to eXpLaiN to me why you care about why I care about what Paul does

Because your post is essentially a veiled ad hominem.
Know nothing about him, but it’s funny because my first instinct when reading this post was “betting sites / sportsbooks are really a thing of beauty” in that sense
Just came across this randomly, pretty interesting, the 2nd link shows how closely the odds track the actual outcome
I buy into a lot of the arguments regarding predictions markets, but haven't taken the time to better understand the proposed BIPs. I generally oppose BIPs, and wish they would find a way to implement drivechains without a fork, but it seems that "hash escrow" (whatever that means) is pivotal to his proposal and that requires a soft fork.