I've heard Gitlab is quite demanding on resources. I only have 2GB RAM on my VPS and I would probably only want to use 10-25% of that for git hosting.
Do you think that's enough for CE Gitlab?
2gb is not enough for gitlab
gitea is much more memory efficient
Naa man. You really need a decent server. I run on 12GB of ram and even that swaps sometimes and it ain't even busy. It runs a lot of auxiliary services and I run some additional security tools. VPS will cost you a pretty penny and I wouldn't recommend that. CE gitlab is really designed for good internet connection (fiber at home?) and a decent server that you control 100%, so solid homelab is a perfect candidate for it. Basically the more RAM you can afford the better, also OS helps, for example Debian runs a lot of less "crap" than Ubuntu, so pick your poison... hope this helps.