I would suggest CE gitlab if you don't mind doing some sysadmin work. If you managed jenkins server or any image repo (nexus, artifactory) it would be a breeze. You can get your own domain (e.g. gitlab.ekzyis.com) and full unrestricted features of gitlab.com. It's work, but all worth it in my humble opinion. To each his own tho...
I've heard Gitlab is quite demanding on resources. I only have 2GB RAM on my VPS and I would probably only want to use 10-25% of that for git hosting.
Do you think that's enough for CE Gitlab?
2gb is not enough for gitlab
gitea is much more memory efficient
Naa man. You really need a decent server. I run on 12GB of ram and even that swaps sometimes and it ain't even busy. It runs a lot of auxiliary services and I run some additional security tools. VPS will cost you a pretty penny and I wouldn't recommend that. CE gitlab is really designed for good internet connection (fiber at home?) and a decent server that you control 100%, so solid homelab is a perfect candidate for it. Basically the more RAM you can afford the better, also OS helps, for example Debian runs a lot of less "crap" than Ubuntu, so pick your poison... hope this helps.