I have the same feelings emotionally and mentally..I still have no one in my corner for emotional support and I spent years and years when I had my own place before the place i got evicted from, letting my so called friends come over and vent their problems. I would cook for them, let them and their couch surfing asses stay in my extra bedroom/on the extra bed, and be their emotional support. No one was willing to return any of that at all when I wnet through what I did and that's what hurt the most. Honestly if you do end up on the streets, and you are having mental health issues, just go to your local county mental health authority or the ER and tell them you're suicidal and they'll throw you in either a crisis residential group home (they're like houses) or a psych hospital (those aren't actually as bad as they get the rep for being.) for a couple weeks. I pulled this a couple times when I couldn't stand the bed bugs and body lice at the homeless shelter anymore and they're actually really nice mini vacations. At the group homes they let you have your phone/laptop/smoke cigs outside at least here they do, but at the psych hospitals they take your electronics and they just give you a patch, that was the worst part, not being able to smoke cigs tbh. The food is decent and the staff for the most part is really nice and helpful. And I learned a lot of things from the groups at both the group homes and hospitals that helped me and still help me to this day. Hang in there brother.
Also, don't be ashamed to reach out to government programs for help. This is exactly what they're there for and why they are essential to society. In some areas of the country you can get right into a section eight housing or free housing (in an apartment/rental) for so long immediately if your area isn't experiencing a housing crisis. Unfortunately, most areas are and the waiting lists are extensive. But if i were you the first thing I'd do is apply for food stamps.