Important work. Taking care of our sick puppy dog the past couple days, although my wife is off today so she will probably take over doggie and kiddo duties.
The pooch has a tough bought of pancreatitis right now and vet said we can manage it at home without admitting her but we have to stay on top of her medication, feeding schedule, water intake, shorter but more frequent walks.
Pancreatitis can be chronic in some dogs and we got her as a rescue so I am wondering if this is the reason she was given up. Her blood panel was clear when we got her last December but she was also malnourished at that time so it has me thinking the family that had her before could not manage the expense and care needed if she had chronic bouts of it. It can be managed with meds and a prescription diet and routine blood work but it will be expensive (maybe 350 a month or so) so I could understand how some families could not afford that.
Anyways, we got her. I will actually get off my lazy butt and go do some work if we can't fit the extra expense in our budget.