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Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
Important work. Taking care of our sick puppy dog the past couple days, although my wife is off today so she will probably take over doggie and kiddo duties.
The pooch has a tough bought of pancreatitis right now and vet said we can manage it at home without admitting her but we have to stay on top of her medication, feeding schedule, water intake, shorter but more frequent walks.
Pancreatitis can be chronic in some dogs and we got her as a rescue so I am wondering if this is the reason she was given up. Her blood panel was clear when we got her last December but she was also malnourished at that time so it has me thinking the family that had her before could not manage the expense and care needed if she had chronic bouts of it. It can be managed with meds and a prescription diet and routine blood work but it will be expensive (maybe 350 a month or so) so I could understand how some families could not afford that.
Anyways, we got her. I will actually get off my lazy butt and go do some work if we can't fit the extra expense in our budget.
Finishing up a project for the Boltfun hackathon. Checking out some of the projects.
Planning out the next month for personal and dev growth.
Doing some basic UI design work for Alby. Pretty cool stuff
Working on some optimizations in Mutiny and starting on some nostr integrations
Preparing to interview a political activist who has recently learned about Bitcoin and now believe is freedom money. Please wish me luck!
Whoa cool make sure to link the article on SN when you're done
If you do manage to listen to it, I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts on it!
deleted by author
Mostly trying to figure out what's causing our server process to become a zombie. It seems related to http keep alive races between the load balancer <> nginx <> server but hard to tell for sure.
In between monitoring that there’s a few regressions to fix:
  • dark mode flash
  • new notification highlighting
  • highlighting the reply when coming from notifications
We also have a handful of other dev ops stuff to do before we can consider ourselves done with this upgrade battle and begin shipping features.
This week, I'm focusing on creating engaging articles about the latest trends in commodity trading. I'm also keeping a close eye on the commodity markets to identify potential trading opportunities and stay informed about market movements.
Still compiling and studying available literature to put together the Homeric puzzle and understanding the bronze-age of pre-classic greece... greets to Y'all
Maybe sleeping, stack, & chill
Well, still searching for a job to provide for my family it is kinda hard out here we even have a saying that is" if you have already got a job or work hold on to it with tight paws and cold warm" but i think i will make it no matter what.
Trying to finish a story i started months ago but i just remembered it i think it is time for it to see the light and scream i exist.
And one of the important things i will be working on is to fix my broken headphone it has got a wire that is slipped from the unite but i believe i can take care of it lol.
Thanks for bringing such opportunity to share my thoughts on this one. Appreciate it :)
Besides, what are your weeked plans these days ? I wonder