Here's the latest, if anyone is still interested. I emailed them back, asking to speak to an actual human being. This was the response I received:
Thanks for following up.
I can confirm that you are speaking to a live person.
In order to move forward, we ask that you submit a single photo (saved as JPEG/JPG/HEIC file type) that contains the following:
  1. A view of your full face
  2. Your ID that was used to register with Gemini.
  3. A handwritten note that states the current date and says “[4502359]” underneath
Once you've taken a selfie that contains all of the above, please upload it to our secure dropzone.
Please keep in mind that this must be one photo that contains all of the above and not three separate photos. Once this is complete, please reply to this thread and I will escalate your case for expedited service.
If you didn't have funds locked up i'ld suggest sending a goatse instead of a selfie.
If you wanted to have some fun with the situation, ask them to do the same.
I will show you my ID, if you show me yours.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
lol all this for just doing your ordinary routine? i'd drop them in a heartbeat, no thanks.