Our votes don’t count anyway, however in my opinion every event our government advertises to us is a survey to see how many of us still need to be parented ( taken advantage of, in the most disrespectful way imaginable) so they know what event to sell us next!!! I suppose they would know that good has prevailed over evil in way of a collective realization that we don’t need them, we don’t want them, we are aware that they are not who they appear to be, and we know there promises are hollow, and only set up the stage for more hollow promises. In short they would do something deceitful to force back into the corner like create a pandemic, light forest fires, have us believe the middles from North Korea are getting closer and closer, that Russia and china are going to take over, and aliens are going to attack to force our need for there protection. I think a better question is what if everyone quit working for the corporations at the same time, and everyone pulled all of there money from the banks and ripped up there credit cards on the same day. Followed by refusing to pay rent, etc. I think the outcome would be very sad, I think the destruction, death, pain, suffering they would deliver would come without any care or remorse, because they are pure evil. They already know the amount of damage our world can sustain and the time it would take to heal. They are very prepared to do the wrong thing when we try to do the right thing.