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Gotta mention https://mises.org/library/democracy-god-failed-1. Does a great job of actually pushing back on the near insane lack of criticism of the system we are all supposed to believe in. I say believe in because it seems like the secular religion to me. Even if you are a big supporter of democracy this is a good book to read if you wanna understand where people are coming from in their opposing views.
I'll check out the book, thanks for the rec. I've appreciated your perspective in the past even though we seem to disagree on fundamental things.
Including on this topic. It boggles my mind, honestly, that people have the attitude you express. There are so many things that very tangibly matter based on who wins elections, and who wins elections is a function of who gets voted for.
You say your vote doesn't matter as much as Bill Gates's. That's wrong, obviously. What is true, and probably what you mean, is that your opinion doesn't matter as much as Gates's; and there's nothing on Earth that will ever make that not true. A bitcoin standard will not budge that truth in the slightest bit. The rich and powerful have always shaken the world, since the dawn of man, and always will. My guess is that that is what people are reacting to, but they're reacting in the wrong place. You could plausibly change who is rich and powerful, and then you'll get to deal with their shit. My guess is that you won't like it much better, unless it happens to be you.
The other thing I think people are reacting to is just properties of systems. They look at the current system and shake their fists at it. But really, systems are their own animals. If you're waiting for a system that will have no unpalatable consequences you'll be waiting forever.
thanks for sharing this
I think I've seen this book mentioned 'round these parts. Maybe by you :-). I'll add it to my list.
Well worth your time IMO.