I find it interesting that most believers in Christ usually didn't flinch when I used to proudly proclaim my Atheism. Conversely, atheist seem way more triggered by appeals to Faith. 🫂
I've gotten cussed out, physically assaulted, discriminated against, and have lost out on a job because of my atheism. These so called christ followers, at least a good majority of them, act in a way completely opposite of the way Christ would. They forget that Christ, if he existed, was a brown skinned refugee/immigrant that hung out with sinners on a daily basis and preached socialist ideals.
I will say though I know a few Christ followers that actually do follow and try their best to act as Christ did and show nothing but love on a daily basis.. And to be honest, these individuals vote straight Democrat as well because they understand that Jesus/God/the bible was clear on giving the people free will.
I get triggered because I am sick and tired of the blatant hypocrisy from those who claim to be followers of christ and am sick of most of them trying to justify their bigotry, homophobia, and flat out hatred towards anyone who isn't like them by using their bibles. I am sick of them trying to deny individuals the rights they are constitutionally guaranteed by legislating based on their bible. Which is also unconstitutional and is no different than Sharia law. Just another example of hypocrisy. I am also sick of them not getting vaccinated by saying their god will protect them but going out and stocking up on guns made for a battlefield so they can protect themselves. Which one is it? God gonna protect you or not?
When it comes down to it, it's all just like Marx says, a way to pacify yourself. But, let's face it, there's way too many things to balance up for our little greasy grey biocomputing systems (and their IO, aka the body).
Maybe what you are missing is that you don't have to reason about why you should not be afraid, but rather, confident that when you must, you will find the solution because your eyes are clear.
In which case arguing about how to describe it is kinda stupid. From both sides.
I hope you find peace.
Really? That's all you can say? Seems to me you have no constructive retort to my arguments and my experience and my opinions. Aren't you as a Christian supposed to stand up to those that challenge your faith and you become stronger in your faith by being challenged?
I will zap you every sat that my previous reply gets zapped.
I want the 1337 sats this reply got too..and that's not a request ::pulls out pistol::