What's the honey badger thing? I've seen it around, but don't quite get the reference..
The viral video from 12 years ago with 101m that put honey badgers on the map lol:
Thanks! I'll check this out. Actually, I watched it during my edit time. Great video, and pretty funny.
Bitcoin has been compared to a honey badger. I know Michael Saylor uses this analogy, but I don't know who started it:
The honey badger, also known as the ratel, is a small, fierce mammal that is widely distributed in Africa, Southwest Asia, and the Indian subcontinent.1 They are related to skunks, otters, ferrets, and other badgers.02 Honey badgers are voracious omnivores that get their name from their fondness for feeding on honey and honeybee larvae. They also eat insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, roots, bulbs, berries, and fruits. They can adapt to a variety of conditions, from warm rain forests to cool mountains, and their home ranges can be as vast as about 193 square miles. Most honey badgers are active throughout the day, though near human settlements they may prefer the cover of darkness.
I think alpacas also feature as a possible bitcoin animal mascot, for some other entirely different reason I'm not aware of. They are pretty chilled out animals as far as I can remember, nonchalant really. Not skittish like sheep or cows or goats. Maybe it was a colour thing?
For me the alpaca is too adjacent to the Winamp Llama. Also, Ubuntu didn't use it yet (honey badger), yet.
and yeah in case anyone forgets, the honey badger as an animal was popularised a lot in the gun/PMC/tacticool crowd. I think there has been SMGs given this moniker. Or maybe it was a carbine.