Pushing Compass wasn't a great move eirher. Also, his politics clash with many of us, but I appreciate his attempts to expand the tent, so to speak. I admit he has infuriated me many times. I have been listening to him for years, and the reason I do is because he is great at what he does. His guests are good, and he is a great interviewer. That's all I care about in the end.
some bitcoiners have a very hard time comprehending that fluidity of ideas takes place within Bitcoin as well...
I appreciate Peter for being like a "normie" bitcoiner -- he's very empathetic to those outside of the space, and helps "dumb down" things for newcomers without scaring them off with more hyperbolic/technical/political conversation.
Maybe he dumbs things down a little too much, sometimes lol, but hey we're all human
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Yesterday Matt Odell really went on an excellent rant about the evils of Elon's blue check twitter bullshit. He convinced Peter, who apparently decided to give up his blue check after the show. I recommend a listen to that episode if you're interested: https://fountain.fm/episode/Zqr1U64JmE0fPW59cq8f
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Great episode. I listened this morning