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People really hate on Peter for odd reasons…yeah he’s made some dumb calls/said stupid things (BlockFi, Covid, smart contracts, yada yadda), but he’s just a good level-headed bitcoiner with his own ideas imo
Pushing Compass wasn't a great move eirher. Also, his politics clash with many of us, but I appreciate his attempts to expand the tent, so to speak. I admit he has infuriated me many times. I have been listening to him for years, and the reason I do is because he is great at what he does. His guests are good, and he is a great interviewer. That's all I care about in the end.
some bitcoiners have a very hard time comprehending that fluidity of ideas takes place within Bitcoin as well...
I appreciate Peter for being like a "normie" bitcoiner -- he's very empathetic to those outside of the space, and helps "dumb down" things for newcomers without scaring them off with more hyperbolic/technical/political conversation.
Maybe he dumbs things down a little too much, sometimes lol, but hey we're all human
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Yesterday Matt Odell really went on an excellent rant about the evils of Elon's blue check twitter bullshit. He convinced Peter, who apparently decided to give up his blue check after the show. I recommend a listen to that episode if you're interested: https://fountain.fm/episode/Zqr1U64JmE0fPW59cq8f
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Great episode. I listened this morning
I think WBD is a good show and Peter is a good host. I don't mind his political opinions.
I do have a problem with the show's history of sponsors. BlockFi et al. were being promoted far beyond the point it was clear these companies were in trouble. As such I do not trust Peter's judgement in picking future sponsors and do not recommend his show to newbies, in case another scam starts getting shilled.
It's a real shame as WBD is the perfect normie show. I really do want it to improve. If WBD can go through the next bull cycle without any reckless sponsoring, I will start recommending it again to others.
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What dumb thing did he say about COVID?
just general naivete regarding how the govt was responding to covid, lockdowns, etc..
he later apologized though for those comments though after time played out, but it's the types of bitcoiners who "always" see things coming like covid that just can't give Peter a break
Yeah, there's a lot of people who always see everything coming. If only these enlightened souls exerted more influence on the world instead of restricting themselves to culture-warring on Twitter, we'd all be better for it.
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Sounds like he's consistently wrong. Is it monetary incentives? Was he sponsored by these scammy companies that went bust?
He has chosen to monetize his podcast through the traditional sponsor model. No value for value. Both BlockFi and Compass were sponsors. I wouldn't go so far as to say he has been wrong about everything, but he's made mistakes.
It sounds to me that his monetary incentives inform how his information is going to be presented, which informs me as to why the show should be ignored in its entirety. I can be advertised to anywhere. I don't want someone to make the advertisement more palatable for me.
I see your perspective, but his guests don't kowtow to him. Matt Odell pulls no punches with him abour BlockFi, and he's still a frequent guest. In fact, in the latest episode I heard this morning Odell is still giving him shit. Peter is honest about his motivations and fuckups.
I mean, that's a perspective you can have of course. More fruitful conversation happened as a result of BlockFi advertising on his show than happened anyplace else. I think Pete has done more for the space by engaging with these issues directly and publicly than any podcaster I can think of.
I agree, and I'm sure yesterday's episode with Matt Odell about blue check twitter changed some minds besides Peter's.