You are so focused on popularity and killing this perceived enemy the altcoins. Drivechains is a technical improvement, it would allow more programmability and use cases for Bitcoin and it should be enabled once and for all.
Name one non-scam use case that you cannot get from either Miniscript, RGB-CMYK, Tap Ass, or the covenants protocol that will eventually be adopted. 🧐
RGB is has different security assumptions than on-chain smart contracts. I'll name one: decentralized stablecoins. But whatever the reason, why hinder development and experimentation? Rootstock peg could be fully trustless.
Taproot Assets are as decentralized as you can get for non-synthetics afaict, and 10101 app is using DLCs for synthetic stablecoins so it seems to me those things are covered. I'm not a software guy though.
  1. drivechain would help altcoins, especially ethereum.
  2. drivechain would help bitcoin much more.
Both can be true (bracketing concerns about MEV on Bitcoin).
Just to be clear, mine isn't an anti-DC post.