Haha awesome movie.
Siggy you are practically Canadian with you love for hockey. Did you play?
I did, in high school. I wasn't great, but I loved it. It's by far my favorite sport.
Awesome. I used to play shinny (I don't know if they use that term outside of Canada- essentially a pick up game at a local outdoor rink) with friends as a kid but never played in a league or school. I am not a good skater. Fine for just pleasure skating but not good enough for hockey. I was more into baseball as a kid. Played rep baseball and in highschool. I was a pitcher and catcher (jokes write themselves-haha).
I read the term shinny in books. I guess we played it without using the term. When local ponds would freeze we would play after school.
Yeah that's pretty much the idea. I usually played goalie since I sucked at skating. I was a decent goalie though. We didn't always have goalies though, depends who played. We had a couple guys that played goalie in league and would bring a crappy set of pads, blocker and glove. If we didn't have goalie equipment I would play defense and stay back by the net as a pseudo goalie. A few years ago a couple buddies and I went and played with the local high school kids who always played picked up hockey and they absolutely trounced us, even though my buddies used to be really good players.
Same here! My reflexes hid a lack of talent. Those reflexes are long gone.