I took a 12 hour drive to the old Montreal Forum in the late 1980s or early 1990s for opening night against the Buffalo Sabres. That place was like a hockey cathedral to me, even though I'm not a Habs fan. I had only seen it on tv or from photographs. It was like going back in time. All those Stanley Cup banners really floored me. When they played "Oh Canada" and everyone stood up to sing, I got really choked up, even though I'm not Canadian.
I've been to the old Yankee Stadium, Wrigley, and Fenway. There was nothing like the old forum.
Nice. I have been to Maple Leafs Gardens many times but never went to the Forum. I have been to Centre Bell a couple times. Once for world cup of hockey in 2004 and once for ufc in 2010. Montreal is a fun city.
Oddly enough I have never been to Fenway or Wrigley. I have been to old and new Yankee stadium. My wife's cousin lives in Chicago and is a big Cubs fan. Was thinking about a road trip this summer to visit and catch a Cubs game but we planned a couple other things instead. Maybe next summer.
Great city. I once saw an Expos game at Olympic Stadium. Not exactly the charm of the Forum!
Olympic Stadium is a dump. I have been there a couple times. I think the I was 2 years old the first time (obviously don't remember that visit). Growing up, a lot of my family were Expos fans, so I still remember them fondly. I affectionately, or maybe not so affectionately, like to call the Nationals, the Fake Expos.
I hate the Gnats too.